Volume 202:
Page 9
May the 7th 1696
William Offits Marks a Crop on the Right Eare and an Under bitt and Squarre
on the Left.
Page 18
James Bray Demands Capias against [William] Offord trespass on the Case:
warrant etc. to Arrest and returne ut Supra.
Page 23
August, 1696
To the Worshipfull Commisioners for Prince Georges County in the province
of Maryland.
The humble petition of William Offoott Shew.
That your Petitioner hath been at greate Charges for the purchaseing and
makeing a plantation in the woods Now the humble
Request of your petitioner
is that your worships will bee pleased to grant him an order to the overseer.
Page 38
James Bray against William Offord - trespass on the Case: this Action Strock
off the Docquett.
Page 40
James Bray Demands Capias against William Way ford trespass on the Case:
warrant etc. to Arrest and Returne ut Supra.
A Docquett of Subpoenas Returnable to the fourth Tuesday in September
Annoque Domini 1696.
Page 43
September 1696
To the Worshipfull the Comisoners for Prince Georges County.
The Petition of William Offoot Humbly Sheweth. That your Petitioner have-
ing been at great Charges and great troubles
to purchase a piece of Land and
to make a plantation and Lying Somwhat distance from the water Side desiereth.
[44] Your worshipps will be pleased to take it into Consideration and grant an
order for the Clearing and marking of
a Convenient Rowling Roade from his
plantation as your worshipps Shall think Fitt and your petitioner Shall ever pray
The above petition being Read is by the Court here granted.
Page 49
Att which Said 22d Day of September Annoque Domini 1696
James Bray against William Offord Alus (Alias) Wayford - trespass on the Case:
Countermanded by the plantiffes order.
Page 54
Att Prince Georges County Court held att Charles Towne the 24th day of
November in the Eight yeare of his Majestys Reigne
Annoque Domini 1696 was
this following Docquett of writts Returned by the Sheriffe of the Said county
William Offord demands Capias against Thomas Date trespass on the Case:
warrant etc. to arrest and returne ut Supra.
Page 106
Agreements Att Prince Georges County Court November the 24th Annoque
Domini 1696.
These (22) Actions are agreed: William Offoot against Thomas Date - trespass
on the Case.
Page 162
[144] March Court 1696/7.
Att Prince Georges County Court held att Charles Towne the fourth Tuesday
in March in the Ninth yeare of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Lord William the
third by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender
the Faith etc. Annoque Domini 1696/7: By his Majesties Justices thereunto
Appointed and Authorized (Viz). Being the 23d
Ordered that William Offoot Maintaine Elizabeth Bankes and that if the Said
Offoot Lay out four hundred pounds of tobaccoe
for Cloathing for her the next
fall that then the Said Offoot Shall be allowed twelve hundred pounds of tobaccoe
the County Leavie per Annum for Soe long time as he Shall maintaine her.
Page 278
[256] November Court 1697.
Prince Georges County ...................................... Debtor
lbs. tobaccoe.
To William Offoott for maintaining Elizabeth Banks .................... 01200
Page 284
Command was given to the Sheriffe that hee Cause to Come here the grand
Inquest by him Sumoned Which Said grand Inquest
being by theire names
Called Came (to Witt)
Robert Clarke, foreman, Daniell Daniellson, Thomas Lucas, William Offett,
Edward Dawson, John Boyd, Paul Busey, Francis
Prisley, Thomas Keniston,
William Greenup, Charles Hay, John Hallum, Archable Edmonson, John
Sprigg, William Ray, William
Lee, Joseph Greere, Nathan Veech, John
Browne, John Ramsey, John Henry, Francis Piles, George Miller, William
Who haveing all of them taken the Oath of Grand Jury men whent out to
Consider of what Should Come before them and after
Some Small time Returned
and brought in as Followeth.
Wee the Jurors for the body of Prince Georges County haveing had it in Charge
from this Worshipful Court to Inquier
and make Report to this Court What
Measures would most Conduce to his Majesties Honor and Servis and the Intrest
Safety of this province to be now taken in Relation to the Forces. Do humbly
Rrepresent and desier that it may be humbly
Recommended to his Excellency
the Governor that wee doe Conceive it to be for his Majesty the Kings honor the
and Safety of this County and the Whole province that the Garryson att
the falls of Potomock be maintained and Supported
as at present the Same is
enforted and that the Same number of Raingers be kept out and maintained both
at the Garryson
and fort and allsoe at the frontier plantations as now are quartered
or forted there Wee alsoe are of Opinion it may be
Convenient and Necessary
that the fort or Garryson be placed upon the hill now above the fort humbly
Conceiveing it
much for his Majesty Honor to Advance Reather than Loose
ground at New Scotland And the Defence and Security of this province
and the
good people thereof upon the frontier plantations against any Invations of
[262] Memorandum: It is agreed by this Jury that the Garryson Still Remaine
but if it is his Excellencys pleasure to
Remove it upon the hill or farther up (Not
Looseing a foot) of Ground to Encourage the Enemy then it will be a great Sattis-
to those parts Wittness our hands this 24th day of November 1697.
Page 285
Robert Clarke, foreman, Daniell Danielson, Thomas Lucas, William Offet,
Edward Dawson, John Boyde, John Browne, John
Ramsey, Paul Busey, Francis
Prisley, Thomas Keniston, William Greenup, Charles Hay, John Hallum, John
Henry, Francis
Piles, Archable Edmonson, John Sprigg, William Ray, William
Lee, Joseph Greere, Nathaniell Veech, George Miller, William
Canter. Sum-
oned per Thomas Greenfeild, Sheriffe.
The Grand Jury Came in and Allowed four hundred pounds of tobaccoe at
Charles Traceys.
Jane Harris Servant Woman to Mr. William Barton Appeared to Answer unto
what Should be Alledged against her for Bearing
of a basterd Mallatta Child and
being Examined Shee Confessed the fact upon which It was Ordered that the
Sheriffe take
her to the wipping post and there give her Sixteen Lashes upon her
bare back well Laid on which was Accordingly done and
further It is ordered
that Shee and her Said Master be Sumoned to the next Court and that her master
bring her part
of Indenture with him etc.
Page 327
To the Worshipfull Justices of Prince Georges County Court now Sitting.
The humble petition of William Offoot Sheweth.
That whereas your petitioner hath a poore woman Liveing with him Since
Last March and was Allowed for the yeare twelve
hundred pounds of tobaccoe
but your petitioner finding it to Little for his trouble therefore desier your
worships to
Allow more otherwise to place her with Somebody Else and your
poore petitioner Shall as in duty bound Ever pray etc.
Ordered that William Offoot have 800 lbs. of tobaccoe a yeare to find the
Said poore woman Cloathing and Eight hundred
lbs. of tobaccoe more for her
yearly Accomedations in all Sixteen hundred pounds of tobaccoe to be Allowed
him in the
next yeare Leavie.
Page 346
Att Prince Georges County Court held att Charles Towne the twenty Eight
day of June in the tenth yeare of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Lord William
the third by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King
Defender of
the faith etc. Annoque Domini 1698 By his Majesties Justices
thereunto Appointed and Authorized (Viz.)
Rodman Maccow Servant to William Offoott Adjudged to be fifteen years of
Age to Serve According to Act of Assembly etc.
Page 491
424] Att a Prince Georges County court held at Charles Towne the 27th day of
June in the Eleventh year of the Reigne
of our Sovereigne Lord William the third
by the Grace of God of England Scottland France and Ireland King Defender of
Faith Annoque Domini 1699 By his Majestyes Justices thereunto appoynted
and authorized (Viz.)
425] Command was given to the Sheriffe that he cause to come here the Grand
Inquest by him Sumoned which Said grand
inquest being by their Names Called
Came (Viz.)
Josias Towgood, foreman, Hugh Reyley, John Henry, William Ophet, Thomas
Lucas, William Ray, John Cousens, John Browne, John Chittam, William
Clacson, Phillip Trottershall, Charles Williams, Marine Devall, Daniell Davi-
son, Nathaniel Wicham.
Who haveing taken the Oath of Grand Jurymen went out to Consider of what
presentments Should come before them and after
Some Small time returned with
these presentments Following.
His Majesty v. John Simpson, George Frankling, Henry Merson
Prince Georges County Ss. June Court 1699.
The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord the King for the Body of Prince Georges
County upon their Oaths doe present John
Sampson, George Frankling, Henry
Morson, Thomas Spore and John Rease the Second day of June in the year of
our Lord
1699 att Lyons Creeke Hundred that is to Say att Charles Towne
within the Jurisdiction of this Court With force and armes
etc. One Black and
White Bull Calfe to the Value of three hundred pounds of Tobacco and one
blacke and White Cow Calfe
to the Value of three Hundred pounds of Tobacco
the Propper goods and Chatties of Charles Busey then and there found
did Kill Steall take and Carry away contrary to an act of assembly in
that case made and Provided etc. Joshua Cecell Clerke
Page 493
His Majesty v. John Chapman
Bee it remembred that in March Court Last Past the Jurors of our Sovereigne
Lord the King for the body of Prince Georges
County upon their Oaths did pre-
sent John Chappman Late of Prince Georges County Labourer for that the Sayd
John Chappman
about the 24th day of December in the year of our Lord 1698 att
Collington Hundred within the Jurisdiction of this Court
with force and armes
etc. one hogg belonging to Person or Persons unknowne then and there found
Feloniously did Kill
Steale take and carry away contrary to the Publick peace and
act of assembly in that case made and Provided etc. Joshua
Cecell Clerke of
And now here att this Day (to witt) the 27th day of June Annoque Domini
1699 before the Justices of our Sovereigne Lord
the King att Charles Towne
aforesaid came the Said John Chappman in Custody of the Sheriff of Prince
Georges County
and being brought to barr in his Propper Person Presently it is
demanded of the Said John Chappman how hee would acquitt
himselfe of the
Premisses above imposed upon him.
And the Said John Chappman cometh and defendeth the Force and Injury
when etc. and Saith that hee is in now wise Guilty
thereof, and thereof for good
and Evill putts him selfe upon the Country in proper persona.
And Joshua Cecell for his Majestic allsoe.
Therefore it is Commanded the Sheriffe that without delay he cause to come
here twelve etc. by whom etc. to recognize
etc. because as well etc. and how here
at this day that is to Say the 27th day of June Annoque Domini 1699 came as
Joshua Cecell for his Majesty as the Said John Chappman in his propper
person and the Jurors thereon Impanelled being called
likewise came, (to witt)
Josias Towgood, foreman, John Ramsey, Hugh Williams, William Hill,
William Ophett, Richard Groome, William Coghill, Phillip Lewin, John Watt-
kins, John Lenham, Jonathan Simmons, Allexander
[427] Who to Speake the truth concerneing the Premisses being elected tryed
and Sworne doe say upon their Oathes that
the Said John Chapman is Guilty
of the Premisses aforesaid to him in forme as by the Indightment aforesaid is
against him.
Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by the Court being Seen and
understood it is Considered that the Said John
Chapman be Committed into the
Custody of the Sheriffe And it is Commanded the Sheriff that he Putt the Said
John Chappman
into the Pillory for one whole hour, it is Farther ordered that
the Said John Chappman Continue in Custody till he find
good Security to be
bound with him in tenn pounds Sterling Each of them for his good behaviour
untill the next Court
and for all Fees due to the officers of this Court.
Page 495
[428] And the Said Elizabeth Plumer by William Stone her attorney Espeacially
admitted by the Favour of this Court comes
and defends the Force and Injury
when etc. and for plea Saith that She is not Guilty thereof and thereof for good
Evell putts her Selfe upon the Country.
William Stone for the Defendant.
And Joshua Cecell for his Majesty allso.
Therefore it is Commanded the Sheriff that without delay he cause to come
here twelve etc. by whom etc. to recognize
etc. because as well etc. and now here
at this day that is to Say the 27th day of June Annoque Domini 1699 came
Cecell for his Majesty as the Said Elizabeth Plumer by her attorney
aforesaid and the Jurors thereon Impannelled being called likewise came (to
Josias Towgood, foreman, John Ramsey, Hugh Williams, William Ophett,
Richard Groome, William Coghill, William Hill,
Phillip Lewin, John Watt-
kins, John Lenham, Jonathan Simmons, Thomas Cleggett.
Who to Speake the truth concerning the
Premises being Elected tryed and
Sworne doe Say upon their Oathes that the Said Elizabeth Plumer is not Guilty
of the
Premisses above in forme as in the Indightment aforesaid above is Sup-
posed against her.
Whereupon all and Singular the Premisses by the Court being Seen and
understood it is Considered That the Said Elizabeth
Plumer goe thereof without